Allow me to introduce: Riedel Filtertechnik. A century of system and machine engineering.

Riedel Filtertechnik: A century of experience in system and machine engineering. Forward-looking solutions in the fields of dedusting, environmental and filtration technology. Around 120 employees in sales, production and development at our company headquarters in Leopoldshöhe, near Bielefeld, Germany. Our mission? To offer a comprehensive service worldwide and on site, all from one place. The secret of our success? Our team, which pursues our goals day in, day out.

We have values

  • We are successful together as a team

    The recipe for our company culture? Mutual respect, openness and fairness. Our skills, our knowledge and experience make us what we are: a team. The diversity of our employees makes us unique. That is why we support diversity in all its aspects.

  • We are committed to the environment

    Sustainability is a core part of our corporate DNA. As a producer of filter, environmental and dedusting technology, environmental protection is not only something close to our hearts – it’s what we live and breathe. Two examples? Over 100,000 tonnes of dust per year have been extracted by our filter systems installed in the past 20 years, and therefore do not enter the environment.  In addition, every year we produce the amount of energy we require for production with our own photovoltaics system. This corresponds to the prevention of around 100 tonnes of CO₂ emissions per year.

  • We are committed to social responsibility

    As an employer, we have social responsibility for 120 employees and their families. The highest standards of occupational safety are a given for us. We value mutual appreciation in our work together. Thanks to a pioneering spirit and sustainable corporate management, our workplaces are prepared for the future.

  • Our customers shape what we do

    Our customers are what drives us. Our mission? To not only meet your expectations, but to exceed them. They are what drive our creativity: Our customers give us the boost to create something new.

  • We are bold

    Scrutinizing solutions. Thinking unconventionally. Paving new paths: All of this requires boldness. We are determined to continuously tap into new markets, with our expertise and flexibility. And we keep setting new standards as we do so.


As a family company, we have decades of experience and expertise under our belts. That’s what sets us apart and which spurs us on to give our best performance every single day. And who’s responsible for this? Lies with a dynamic, six-person management team that combines years of experience and innovation.

From left: Christopher Foeller (Managing Director), Thorsten Kurtz (Director Sales & Marketing), Laura Foeller (Strategy & Projects), Lars Kükenshöner (Managing Director), Reimer Specht (Senior Application Specialist) and Thomas Krawitz (Director Project Execution).


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