Effective VOC removal and odour reduction in industrial settings using activated carbon filters - thanks to their large filter surface area and adsorption capacity.
VOC reduction & odour control

Activated Carbon Filters for Air Cleaning

Odour emissions can be not only unpleasant and bothersome but also hazardous to health. These emissions are typically caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3). There are regulatory limits for such components in exhaust air that must be adhered to. Even minimal concentrations can cause significant odour nuisances.

Activated carbon filters adsorb pollutants from the exhaust air, trapping them on the surface of the activated carbon and effectively reducing odour levels. By combining carbon  adsorption filters for exhaust air purification with our patented COPLAS clean plasma technology, volatile organic compounds and odour concentrations can be effectively reduced, while significantly extending the service life of the activated carbon.

Advantages & Features

Industrial exhaust air purification using activated carbon filters

Industrial activated carbon filters are a widely used method for removing VOCs, pollutants, and odours from exhaust air. Discover the benefits of using carbon adsorption filters for VOC abatement and odour control in industrial applications:

Effective VOC Abatement

Reliable reduction of VOCs, pollutants, and odours in industrial exhaust air. Elimination of pollutant-laden components in the exhaust air through adsorption using activated carbon.

Regulatory-Compliant Exhaust Air Purification

Compliance with legal limits for VOCs, pollutants, and odour emissions in the production environment and surrounding areas. Minimization of the risk of complaints and fines from authorities, as well as avoidance of production restrictions.

Insensitive to Process Fluctuations

No impact on the adsorption performance of the activated carbon filter under varying operating conditions. No need for system adjustments or shutdowns.

Low Investment Costs

Low initial installation and commissioning costs for activated carbon filters for exhaust air purification. Replacement of the activated carbon is required when saturation occurs.

Process Combination

Compatibility with additional technologies, especially our patented plasma technology COPLAS clean for odour reduction.

Optional Configurations

On request, the activated carbon filter can be customized with features such as automatic monitoring of filter breakthrough. Option for outdoor installation.

Choose Riedel Filtertechnik GmbH and benefit from our extensive experience, innovative technologies, and comprehensive service in the field of industrial exhaust air purification.

Functionality & Application

Use of Activated Carbon Filters for VOC Abatement & Odour Control

An industrial activated carbon filter purifies exhaust air by binding pollutants through adsorption. The exhaust air flows through a bed of porous activated carbon, which offers a large internal surface area. Pollutants in the air adhere to the surface of the activated carbon, thereby cleaning the air. When the activated carbon becomes saturated, the filter must be replaced or regenerated. Activated carbon filters are particularly suitable for VOC removal and odour reduction. The efficiency of the adsorption filter depends on the pore size, adsorption capacity, and contact time of the activated carbon with the exhaust air.

Combination of Activated Carbon Filters with COPLAS clean Plasma Technology

Traditional alternative technologies for VOC removal and odour reduction, such as biofilters or thermal combustion, have some significant drawbacks:

  • High environmental impact
  • Significant fire and explosion hazards
  • Low efficiency
  • High space requirements

Activated carbon filters also have the disadvantage of high ongoing costs in extensive industrial applications due to the need to replace the activated carbon once it is saturated. At Riedel Filtertechnik, we therefore rely on the combination of various technologies for optimal treatment of your contaminated exhaust air. Our patented COPLAS clean plasma technology usually serves as the core of our solutions, with industrial activated carbon filters applied as an additional filtration stage.

Learn more about our plasma technology and the possibility of testing its applicability in your production environment with Riedel On-site Customizing.


Fish meal // Germany

Industrial odour reduction of the dryer exhaust air of a fish meal sterilisation process by injecting plasma-enriched air with COPLAS clean technology combined with a downstream activated carbon air filter installation. The goal was to replace an existing exhaust air cleaning system (corona discharge) and at the same time appease any complaints from the local neighbourhood.

Process combination involving the COPLAS clean system and a bulk filter of activated carbon for industrial air purification at an odour concentration of 300,000 OU/m³.

  • Air volume: up to 800 m³/h
  • Fan: up to 900 m³/h
  • Bag filter as pre-filter for cleaning of smallest fresh air particles
  • HMI for user-friendly operation
  • Backflow protection of exhaust air
  • Carbon adsorption filter: 1 tonne of activated carbon with a flow rate of 0.3 m/s incl. big bag station


  • Effective treatment of small volume flow with very high odour concentration and discontinuous processes
  • High concentration of VOCs/amines
  • Reduction performance of COPLAS clean technology of > 90% plus activated carbon filter for further reduction
  • Odour reduction: 100% reduction of typical raw gas smell


Case Study

Case Study

  • COPLAS clean & activated carbon for odour reduction: Fishmeal manufacturer in Germany
  • Treatment of exhaust air from production processes
  • Odour reduction via cold plasma technology and carbon adsorption filter

Our News


Unpleasant odours in fish feed production? Not with COPLAS clean!

In our new case study, learn how we successfully tackled odour control in the fish feed industry despite all challenges:

🔹 Fluctuating process conditions

🔹 Odour levels >10,000 OU/m3

🔹 ATEX requirements

➡️ Read the full case study on our website!

Unpleasant odours in fish feed production? Not with COPLAS clean!

In our new case study, learn how we successfully tackled odour control in the fish feed industry despite all challenges:

🔹 Fluctuating process conditions

🔹 Odour levels >10,000 OU/m3

🔹 ATEX requirements

➡️ Read the full case study on our website!

Read case study


Since August 1st, 2024, we are excited to welcome four new apprentices to our team. They are starting in the following training areas:

📚 Dual study program in Mechatronics
🔧 Construction Mechanic
⚙️ Mechatronics Technician
🖥️ Technical Product Designer

We wish you an exciting and educational time at Riedel!

Since August 1st, 2024, we are excited to welcome four new apprentices to our team. They are starting in the following training areas:

📚 Dual study program in Mechatronics
🔧 Construction Mechanic
⚙️ Mechatronics Technician
🖥️ Technical Product Designer

We wish you an exciting and educational time at Riedel!

Since August 1st, 2024, we are excited to welcome four new apprentices to our team. They are starting in the following training areas:

📚 Dual study program in Mechatronics
🔧 Construction Mechanic
⚙️ Mechatronics Technician
🖥️ Technical Product Designer

We wish you an exciting and educational time at Riedel!


Calling all tobacco industry professionals! Mark your calendars for the growing and highly anticipated World Tobacco Middle East, taking place in Dubai on November 12-13, 2024.

Riedel is thrilled to be a part of this event again, showcasing our latest innovations and solutions designed to elevate your operations.

Stay tuned for more information about the event!

Calling all tobacco industry professionals! Mark your calendars for the growing and highly anticipated World Tobacco Middle East, taking place in Dubai on November 12-13, 2024.

Riedel is thrilled to be a part of this event again, showcasing our latest innovations and solutions designed to elevate your operations.

Stay tuned for more information about the event!

More about WT Middle East

Calling all tobacco industry professionals!
Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated World Tobacco Middle East, taking place in Dubai on November 13-14, 2024.

Riedel is thrilled to be a part of this event again, showcasing our latest innovations and solutions designed to elevate your operations.

Join us as we revolutionize the tobacco industry together!

You are looking for an activated carbon filter for VOC removal?
Please get in touch with us!

You can contact us via phone and email or use our contact form. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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